Welcome to Estate Partners

Estate Partners are pioneers in the development of groundbreaking Intelligent platform packages designed for leading brands, businesses, hospitals and charities across the globe.

We are a full-service design agency and publishing company with a team of passionate developers, writers & designers in place to fully tailor each project to our partner’s requirements.

We have over two decades of experience working with leading partners offering our services in Ireland, the USA, Canada and the United Kingdom.

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Years Experience
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of Publications
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of Satisfied Clients
Fast Turnaround

Best Service

We Work With You



We love what we produce and are extremely proud of what we deliver

Estate Partners have been working with thousands of select, leading businesses and prime venues for over 20 years. We supply our partners, who range from leading brands to non for profit organizations Who are based across the USA, Canada, Ireland and the UK with fully tailored, zero-cost, tailor-made publications and guides.